We will continue to use the mail for 2024 dues collection. We pay to use the meeting place, the website, paid speakers and Zoom Workshop Leaders and for Zoom membership itself. So please help keep us connected and learning.
Please check your contact information in our membership list so that we can revise and make it available to all members. If you have any corrections, email me separately. Important to keep that up to date. Mobile phone number is helpful for quick notices.
Please make your check ($30 individual or $50 per couple) out to Photography Club of Cape May and send check to:
Dottie Rogers
201 South Broadway
Cape May, NJ 08204
January 10th, 2024
Hi Photo Friends,We started 2024 off with a Bang on Zoom! And lots of things to think about and try. We’ll do that next month with our workshop February 8th, second Thursday, at the Lutheran Church, 1:00pm. We’ll practice/experiment with Todd Nettlehorst’s macro ideas and Cathy Kuhlman”s Light and layers concepts. We love our February photo time. Nice winter challenge. I’ll have 10 stations and we’ll move around the room taking turns…. more late.
January 2nd, 2024
Hello Photo Friends! Happy 2024!PRESENTATION OVERVIEW
Been curious about those small creatures or flower interiors?
Join us for a chance to learn about capturing exciting images of small things. Todd will take you through Tips and Tricks for close-up and macro photography, like the four basic tips for EVERY shot; determining focus and controlling depth of field; macro effects and creative macro techniques. Plus, he will provide a healthy resource list of useful equipment and tools to help enhance your imagery.
Todd Nettelhorst is an award-winning photographer and international speaker that has had a passion for photography and filmmaking much of his life. He started photographing at a very young age when his father gave him his first SLR camera. His appreciation of photography grew while capturing moments in time throughout the country during the summer family road trips. Though his passion for the arts continued to grow, after college, Todd worked in sales and marketing for a variety of companies quickly becoming successful in building relationships in a variety of industries.
His path of becoming a professional photographer began while documenting the honesty in his children’s lives as others asked him to capture that same spirit for their family. His un-posed, un-planned, spontaneous style of photographing people living, helped him develop extreme patience and a keen eye for capturing the “real life” personality and expressions in those cherished moments. Through years of delivering those precious moments for those families, other opportunities opened up in commercial photography including: events, architecture, engagements and various products. While still engaging in commercial work with new and established clients, Todd enjoys bringing his charismatic energy, unique photographic perspective and deep passion for the visual arts to others by helping them explore and develop the best of their creative abilities through coaching during workshops.
In his free time, Todd enjoys many outdoor activities such as climbing, biking, hiking, playing golf/hockey and spending time with his beautiful family. Todd lives in Chicago with his lovely wife Tambi and their three girls.
The Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital is known for its history but what many tour guests quickly discover is that, beneath the dust and decay, there is an overwhelming sense of beauty and wonder. Spanning back to even the earliest days of Ellis Island, photographers, such as Augustus Sherman and Lewis Hine, have been enraptured by the island and its photogenic displays of history and culture. Modern photographers are no different.
Open to photographers of all skill levels and to photography/camera clubs, these private group programs will provide exclusive access to the Contagious and Infectious Disease Hospital and allow photographers 3 hours to photograph these unique spaces. The private photography tour will run throughout the year, allowing photographers the opportunity to photograph the changes of the buildings seen in all seasons. These tours will also afford photographers the opportunity to visit, at a slow pace, some unique locations throughout the hospital.
December 10th, 2023
We had a PARTY! And a full house it was! Food was great, cookies to die for. And I learned something, I knew it but was emphatically reminded, we enjoy being together so much. Conversation streamed. Photo talk resounded. Nobody wanted to wander down to the mall and take pictures. We relaxed and connected. Sue Williamson grabbed some pictures and maybe others did on their way out of town. Cape May is a picture postcard right now. The Restored Vintage Carousel at Congress Hall is only running on weekends, but is lovely and though it's crowded on weekends, when it is lighted and whirling around it makes superb photos. The train is running as well. Colorful and really cute.
💥💥And just so you know, I froze lots of cookies and some cold cuts so when we go on a field trip we’ll have some snacks and/or sandwiches.💥💥
Thanks to Sue Williamson our sweatshirts are here. They are really nice quality and the hoodie is really comfortable and warm! Thank you Sue. Some
are at my house waiting to be picked up. We’ll get them to you ASAP. Sue will be contacting you with details.
WE HAVE A NEW VENUE! I‘m very excited because we’ve met there before and love the room. Our meeting time is the second Thursday of each month, 1:00pm-3:00pm. Place is the Lutheran Church of Cape May, 509 Pittsburg Ave. Plenty of Parking, summer and winter, so no worry. That means we can now have a speaker and a small group in person meeting each month as we have in the past. We are just beginning to plan how to use it. For a start, On January 11th John Kapusnick will teach us How to Create Books, using Lightroom. He just finished 3 Books! He does it a lot. We’ll bring our computers and work on that together. On February 8th we will meet to play with the ideas presented by our January speaker, Todd Nettlehorst, and his topic “The Joys of Macro Photography”. We’ll have 10 stations set up and we’ll rotate around the room taking pictures of our own versions of what’s there.
Therefore, I’M ASKING YOU TO EMAIL ME WITH THINGS YOU’D LIKE TO TALK ABOUT OR MAYBE DEMONSTRATE OR LEARN IN A SMALL GROUP SETTING. For some topics we may get 6 people. For some 26 people. It doesn’t matter. If you have questions, this is the time to speak up and we’ll address it. Now we have a venue and we like to get together and do hands on things and chat. I want to hear from you. We still will have photo Shoots and Field trips several times each year. And we want to fit in some sharing ZOOMS on various topics. We have lots of ideas. I will soon send you a list of Speakers and activities already planned for 2024. It’s complex so bear with me/us.
I did post that RIchard Zickerman had open heart surgery recently. He’s slowly getting his strength back. He said to tell everyone he misses us. He is staying at his son’s house while recovering, I believe in New York. Please email him your well wishes. I remember he was short of breath on our last few photo shoots. He’ll feel much better shortly. We and Wilbur need Richard!
Merry Christmas Everyone
and Happy New Year…...
Watch for 2024 line up of activities coming soon.
November 7th, 2023
Good Morning Photo Friends,Amazingly she’s way out on the West Coast, but with us last night. 26 attended. I soooo wish more of you would take the time and join us. We are able to get such outstanding speakers with ZOOM. Thank those of you who came. I personally thought Judy was excellent!
A few examples on Judy's webpage.
October 23rd, 2023
Oh, my, we had fun today! A dozen of us wandered around the bogs grabbing bright colors and activity as we watched cranberries being harvested at Lee Brothers Farm in Chatsworth. It was so much fun to capture the workers chest deep in the water, the truck drivers maneuvering around the bog, The cranberries shooting out the chute into the trucks as they loaded. Jen Lee was a friendly hostess and teacher. Thank you all for coming and thank you to Lee Brothers Farm for allowing us to visit on this gorgeous Fall morning. PCCM we did it again. We had fun together. Check out some photos here if you missed them on Facebook.
October 3rd, 2023
Good Morning Photo Friends!
Mike Moats was really fun last night. He shared what equipment he uses and what lenses he likes. I asked him to
send me brand names of the clamp system he likes for holding his background in place. I’ll share. He certainly did
give us many ways to make sure our flower photos are not boring. Look for Character in Nature, something that makes
a flower different or special and when you find one, take pictures from many angles. Don’t forget looking at the backside
of blooms is interesting. And backlighting is fun. He suggested we make your own backgrounds that are not cluttered.
In the field never go shooting without a deflector or reflector-small collapsable ones are easy to carry with you. A clamp
system to hold the deflector is a good idea. He shoots at F22-F 32 most of the time. Fill the frame. He uses an 18-400
zoom lens most of the time instead of a Macro lens. He feels he can do so many more things with it. And he does not
like photo stacking. He again does most in camera and with the zoom lens. He also rarely uses his Lensbaby lenses any
more. He gets the same effect with the long lens. His presentation was fast, colorful, and inspiring. Sorry if you missed it.
29 people attended.
Find a few examples below….
A couple dates to remember and announcements after our Board Meeting
The Board decided we need to form a couple committees beginning in the year 2024.
1.Committee to help locate speakers and plan activities for our primary monthly meetings 2025
2.Committee to help plan and organize our PhotoShoots.
ie -In 2024 We plan to go to Grounds for Sculpture, a Salvage yard, Maybe a few of us to Ellis Island, Visit the
new Science Center at Cape May Point with picnic lunch and beach photo shoot, a scavenger hunt on the
Bay side with bag lunch. We’ll try another Cruise, this time at the time laughing gulls are nesting. That leaves
from the Nature Center at Stone Harbor.
Dottie needs help.
3.Committee to Locate a new venue. We’d like to run small group meetings 3rd Weds. on a regular basis.
4.And I have been asked to order photo club sweatshirts. Suggested is a hoody with front zipper. They will
be blue with our emblem on them. We will take orders by size. Someone want to volunteer to do this?
Field Trip to Lee Brothers Cranberry Farm Monday, October 23rd, 10:00pm
Must register via email to Dottie. 9 spots left. Free.
Please make notes of these items.
September 5th, 2023
Heads Up Everybody!
We have 21 people who have signed up for our Skimmer Cruise which is Weds., September 13th.
We leave at 5:00pm sharp from the slip just past the Lobster House, next to the Whale Watcher.
They have a Flag out saying Skimmer. So go over the Bridge, go past the Lobster House and you’ll
see it on your left. This is a sunset cruise and will last 2 hours.
There is parking right there or on the other side of the restaurant. Text or call me if you have a problem.
Let me know ASAP if you want to go with us. I’d like a full ship. It’s fun! We’ll see lots of birds.
August 8, 2023
Hi Everyone,Dottie
July 21, 2023
We had a great time yesterday at out Mobile Phone Shoot. John answered questions and we exchanged hints
and tricks for an hour then walked one of the paths at the Lighthouse. We tried a few new skills. Thanks to all
who came and thanks to John for the wonderful handout and information. We lucked out with a rather cool day
and lots of camaraderie. We decided we would try the Burst mode feature on another mobile phone walk when
the monarchs arrive. Late September/early October....Thanks, John!
A few images from the stroll on one of the paths at the lighthouse.
June 27th, 2023
Well, I don’t know where to begin. So any ideas, concepts, settings, turns of the camera to cover. Seeing John Tunney twist and turn his camera when he demonstrated how to go about getting a particular shot helped a lot. He talked about Horizontal, Vertical, Quick Jerking, Diagonal, Twisting, Panning, Pan Zooming, Camera Shake, Moving your whole body, Full Body Swing, and “It’s All in the Wrist” movements in order to capture amazingly creative intentional movement shots. A lot of times he uses a tripod, but many can only be captured hand held. Starting point settings are
Shutter Speed 1 sec to 1/30th sec
Aperture Whatever supports your Aperture
ISO Whatever supports your Shutter Speed
The Art & Craft of Intentional Camera Movement takes trial and error, lots of practice, and post process experimenting as well, to get images like he gets. I love this. I’m gonna work at it. Maybe you will, too. Check out John's work here.
Reminder: July 18th, rain date July 19th, 10:00AM Photo Walk with John Kapusnick. Using Mobile Phones. Bring Phone, hat, water bottle and meet at the Pavilion right next to the bird watching platform. Please read over the handout he prepared and updated. John will briefly bring us up to speed and answer questions. Then we’ll walk and share pictures we take and he’ll have suggestions for each one who asks/wants help. So many new things to do with our phones. Fun and more and more important we learn.
August: ZOOM with Padma Inguva
Topic: Seascapes
Happy 4th of July !!! Enjoy your family and Fireworks! Post pictures on Facebook!
Another photography class with PCCM member Kathy Libby is starting soon! Spread the word!

May 9, 2023
May 6, 2023
We had a beautiful day for our photo shoot at the Rookery yesterday. 8 plus arrived to find a sunny, no wind moment.
Lisa Cuchara was there as well. (Last year I met Frank T. Smith there.) Fun to be able to ask her a question or two.
She's such a nice person as well as super photog.
A few pictures posted by members on Facebook so far from the day. You can see them here.
(We'll go another time early June to catch the eggs popping and babies moving around) Hopefully we can time it well with help from members who go often. Keep the beautiful images coming!
💥💥For those of you who have not tried this so far, it is an easy shoot/venue. You park right there, walk across the
street and the birds are very close-meaning you can see them with no magnification and you are not close enough to
bother the birds at all. Ride up and see them even if you don’t think your camera can catch them. You’ll be pleasantly
surprised. It is just a sight to see. We are so lucky to have this rookery and others near by.
A sample of pictures posted so far…..To encourage you to go there and enjoy the moment yourself…
Speaking of Frank T Smith, he will be our special monthly guest speaker via ZOOM on Monday, May 8th at 7pm. Check with Dottie if you have not received your email invitation. See you then!
April 26, 2023
Heads up everybody!
Save these dates for some PCCM activities…..
May 3rd, or 4th, (Weather dependent): Check out Ocean City Rookery. 7:00am.
Any lens is fine. Even Cell phones. 200, 300, 400mm lenses as well. We’ll check out the activity and see which birds are courting and nesting. Meet at the Ocean City Visitors Center on the right lane of the Bridge.
May 8th, ZOOM MEETING 7:00pm with Frank T. Smith. Topic: “Global Landscapes”
June 26th ZOOM MEETING 7:00pm with John Tunney. Topic: “In Depth Intentional Motion” (Change of date due to speaker conflict/need)
July 18. rain date July 19. John Kapusnick will take us on a walk with Smart Phones only. We’ll meet at one of the pavilions near the Lighthouse, have a "John Kapusnick Review” on using the cell phone camera then a ramble….. A fun day outside and with friends. Details closer to the ramble date😄!
We have a cruise planned for September. They’ll be taking reservations soon. We do it after the crowds leave when it is in our budget. The Skimmer was mentioned as first choice this year with an evening or sunset cruise to catch the sunset.
And we are seriously considering planning a photo shoot at Ellis Island. They have recently opened it up to the public, groups of 10 allowed and will be accommodated in their time slot alone. No others allowed at that time. The cost is $200 per person. No group rate at this time. Please let me know if you might be interested. Some would like to do it in June, others need a Fall time slot to consider it. Email me if interested. No Tony Sweet or Andrea to guide us, we’d be on our own. Neat parts open now and this is an effort to raise money to open and refurbish new areas. Let me know.
I’ll try to keep you posted and give plenty of advanced notice so you can plan around fun events. You do the same, PLEASE. If you know of an event or place we should check out or go to see, email me.
April 20, 2023
Hi from deep in the woods. FYI, I report what we do on shoots/field trips because many of our members can't make it and are not on facebook to see pictures we post. I want them/all to enjoy our activities and sights we see and wonderful images of beautiful places we visit. So…
We went on a photo shoot in the Pine Barrens. Frank Scott planned the trip and we (15 of us) had a great time. Our speaker this month was Richard Lewis and he just put out a book called"Photographing the New Jersey Pine Barrens". So we found ruins from early towns gobbled up by the wilderness. Evidence of early industry and civilization abandoned. It was scrumptious! You can imagine we loved it. As Frank said, "This is what ruins look like if you don’t repair and refurbish them." Nature goes to work. Made wonderful pictures! We saw the Weymouth Furnace that produced World War 1 ammunition, a really early glass plant that produced window glass and dishes- much to the British’s dismay, the Smith Ireland Cemetery with many headstones just rocks with names on them at one time maybe, and a couple artesian wells. And the Nature Center at Estelle Manor Park. Frank gave us a brief history of the areas as we visited and kept reminding us these were thriving communities with hundreds of people and families. Frank sent out detailed directions and information. Maybe you still have that note from him. Interesting to me in this part(s) of the Pines, not many pines - the trees were all cut down to use for building, to heat homes and by the industries, and this is regrowth that is sometimes pines and sometimes not. And I found a beautiful rose in the wilderness…see it? Check out a few pictures from the day in the Pine Barrens in our Gallery. Click on the images for full size.
April 4, 2023
Good Morning! Beautiful day……
ZOOM MEETING with Richard Lewis was a gorgeous trip through the pines with beautiful Landscapes of our NJ Wilderness. I never thought about the fact that this area early on was buzzing with industry and therefore is Post Industrial Regenerated Forest. It's over a million acres covering 22% of New Jersey. And contains the largest Pygmi Forest in the world.
The Pine Barrens are Lowlands, Bogs, Savannas, and Marshes. But also we can find ruins of the industries and towns that were abandoned and have gone back to naturemaking it historic as well. I also thought it was interesting that there are no natural lakes in the Pinelands. It is so wet and marshy many things create bodies of water--abandoned cranberry bogs, beaver dams, fallen trees, etc.
27 of us came and enjoyed wandering through this mysterious land via Richard's beautiful images. He showed oooodles and gave us many suggestions for how to capture the unusual scenes and light of this amazing NJ wilderness. His new book about photographing the Pinelands is very specific where to find photo ops. It is available at Richard Lewis Photography and at Amazon. I especially like the misty, foggy early morning shots. Hard to get these places early enough from CM.
We will go on a walk and see several places in the Pinelands on April 18th, rain date April 19th, 10 to 3/4:00pm, lead by Frank Scott. Easy access, meaning we will drive and park close by several spots. Save the date. Lunch will be provided by the club. Reservations only please, so we have lunch for all. (Hoagie, chips, a piece of fruit and drink) Someone want to bring some cookies to share?) Email me or text me if you want to go with
us. Details will follow closer to the date. Might try to carpool if you need a ride. This will be a wonderful fieldtrip. Join us!
March 22, 2023
Hi Everyone.
We had a wonderful time visiting Lucy the Elephant and we had a great guide who entertained us royally.
We went and saw places the public does not usually see- Oh, what’s hidden behind closed doors! And we
learned a lot. 15 people went with us and we ate lunch at Ventura’s Greenhouse right across the street.
It was a really fun day! We had such a gorgeous day weather wise, no wind at all so we especially enjoyed
hanging out on the top deck looking at the ocean, just a block away.
The stairway was so teeny, tiny it was not easy climbing. And the glass floor on the top level freaked us out! The bathroom was adorable! Very small claw foot tub and all. Frank took a great shot of us waving from the top. As he said, our little faces show you how big Lucy is-
6 stories high. Wish you were there.
Anyway enjoy some pictures from the day and feel free to send in any of yours you would like included on our Photography Club of Cape May Photo Album .
Our next outing will be a walk in the Pinelands… Member Frank Scott has spent a lot of time figuring out where we can go to see interesting things. That’s April 18th, 10:00am to 4:00pm. Club will supply lunch. These meetups are so exciting and fun and important since speakers are only ZOOM these days.
Sharing ZOOM March 29th, 7:00pm. Theme: Lucy shots and Texture…...
Next speaker on Zoom, Monday April 3rd at 7pm is Pinelands photography expert Richard Lewis.
Happy Spring!
March 7, 2023
Good Morning Everyone,
Gotta say, Hazel Meredith showed us lots of ideas for Textures and Composites last night and it left me a bit overwhelmed. What went on in was amazing. Some people like that much editing, some won’t. The process was Photoshop heaven. As someone who does this type thing exclusively, she has built a library of favorite, go-to textures and brushes and often used steps she can whip through which pleases the senses like drinking an expensive glass of wine. Takes a lot of practice and experience! Interesting results to be sure. I just sent you an email that she shared with the group. Many You Tube videos for learning. You can look at here <https://www.youtube.com/@MeredithImages>
Also check Hazel's website for classes, books and workshops as well as textures, brushes and her portfolio. <https://meredithimages.com>
So March will be will continue to be exciting for PCCM. Remember these dates!
We have a Field Trip/Photo Shoot planned for March 21st, rain date March 22nd at 10:00pm. We’ll visit and take a brief tour of newly refurbished Lucy the Elephant in Margate. They’ll include info about the history of Lucy and include things you might not know about her sister version, called "The Light of Asia" that resided in Cape May Point. From what I understand, they really were created to catch people’s attention and draw people to South Jersey to build a home in the area. Tripods are allowed. We’ll plan lunch following at a nice restaurant very close by called Ventura’s Greenhouse. We can walk to that. They can accommodate 48 people on a tour.I asked for 12-15 so we’ll have plenty of room to maneuver and snap what pictures we want inside and out. Cost is $7.00 for PCCM members. Bring a friend or spouse for $8.50.
Reservation needed so I must have a head count. We’ll make a reservation for lunch too. If we don’t get 12 people we’ll cancel. Come and have fun with your photo friends!
Then on March 29th Sharing on ZOOM at 7pm. Topics will be Lucy Photo Shoot and Textures and Composites.
Looking ahead to April, On April 3rd, 7:00pm, our ZOOM presentation will feature Richard Lewis with “Photographing the New Jersey Pinelands, Our Wilderness Next Door”. Richard's book is available at Amazon Our own Frank Scott will lead us on a Photo Shoot in the Pinelands walk later in the month. Date TBA.
I just finished a book, “Wilderness, Gateway to Our Soul", by Scott Stillman. It’s about the need to get out where you can’t hear civilization. This driving need to explore the wilderness, our parks and obscure spaces, to get our head
on straight and appreciate life. And he takes few pictures, just looks and listens
to nature. Saturates himself with beautiful things and sounds. I’m gonna explore more, seriously…(and take pictures🤫)
Flowers are blooming. Take advantage and take lots of pictures!
February 27, 2023
Oh, my gosh, I'm sorry if you missed our last ZOOM meeting. Beautiful pictures from all over the place. Ken lives right on the edge of the wetlands and has Eagles visit every day, Anne was definitely the most creative, and Rob showed us birds from the arctic, Galapagos Island, etc, so he was the farthest away by far. And thank Richard's son for getting him on line. Honestly this was an inspiring night and gorgeous birds and animals were shared. 7-9 filled with challenging ideas and energy. Thanks everyone who came. We were the lucky ones. Thanks for sharing: Rob Stambaugh, Ken Kajkowski, Bob Finlay,Eloise Boccella, Richard Zickerman, Anne Harlan, John Kapusnick, Dennis Abriola and moi. Great evening of camaraderie and sharing of information about photography and birds.
Here is the information on the NO NOISE software Bob Finlay talked about: It’s called No Noise by ON1 software and it can be used as a stand alone app or as a plugin to Photoshop or Lightroom. There are several other apps like Topaz DeNoise and DXO and they all seem to do a very good job removing noise. I think all the software publishers offer free time based trials.
And here is the book we talked about as well. It’s written by our speaker for the month of April. It justcame out this Fall. Remember member Frank Scott is going to take us on a photo Shoot in the Pinelands in April. Which will be really fun.
Photographing the New Jersey Pineland's
This meeting reminded me how lucky we are to be part of PCCM. It was really fun and inspiring.
Next we have a wonderful artist and speaker you won't want to miss. SAVE THE DATE! It’s gonna be a fun, interesting, informative night.
Please join us March 6th, 7:00pm on Zoom
Topic: “Creativity with Textures and Composites”
Speaker: Hazel Meredith
"See how you can take a “ho hum” image and make it into your own ‘work of art”. Learn how to work with textures and compositing several images to create your own artistic vision. I will review the basics of textures and how to combine them with photos to create looks from subtle to dramatic. Then I’ll show you how to do a composite of several images and textures to create dramatic original images."
February 7, 2023
Photography Club of Cape May FRIENDS-
Our ZOOM Meeting last night was great! Ray captivated all with his fantastic images and his gutsy ways of captivating birds of all kinds. One thing I especially liked was that he shared the camera settings for all pictures shown and he does that on his website as well. Very helpful. He invited us to visit his Website and ask questions. He shared his expertise and thoughts on Space, Size, Close Angles, Action, Interaction, Take offs and Landings, From a Hide(sitting hidden and waaaaiting), Silhouettes, Backlit, From a Floating Hide(Yikes!), Remote Wide Angles, and Underwater Housing of Equipment(Yikes, Yikes!).
Lots of examples. Lots to digest and message and practice. Thank you Ray for a wonderful hour learning to be Creative while Birding! 27 members attended and asked questions. We're planning a Sharing Zoom toward the end of the month. Theme: Birds and Living Things.
We also had a fun outing at Waldor Orchids in Linwood on January 27th. Lots of beautiful images made and shared on Facebook. Waldor is a large wholesale orchid operation but they do have retail hours on Fridays and Saturdays. A very friendly and helpful owner and staff. It is an amazing operation to wander thru and take photos. Check out their website Waldor Orchids.
Next Weds. Let me know if anyone is interested in getting together to play with lensbaby lenses.
January 1, 2023
Happy New Year Everyone!
I’m sorry this is so late. I had a super busy Fall with a Wonderful December Wedding, lots of family gatherings because of it, and a Christmas celebration that ended up knocking me flat.
I’m serious. I never get colds, but boy, with little ones in day care and all of them with runny noses, move over COVID, Great Gramma was the target!
So several photo Club things. Please keep you program list for 2023 someplace handy. We have lots of fun things planned and I don’t want you to miss anything.
Our speakers are exciting and varied. Something for everyone, hopefully. Bob Finlay will have all on the Website if you need to check.
If you want another copy of the 2023 programs and activities, let me know!
Right now I’m asking if anyone is interested in learning how to make a slide show with music. Put it on a thumbdrive as well. Remember after our December meeting some felt the need for some instruction. Kathy Libby and John Kapusnick will gladly help, Bob Finlay maybe as well.. We can bring our computers, and some ready
pictures and try it. We should know how to do that for family things anyway. I was struggling and Kathy gave me a couple simple hints and that was it.
Please let me know via email or text if you are interested. We’ll make it happen next week probably!
Yes- for a Workshop on making slideshows with music.
Text 609-408-8812
💥DUES ARE DUE NOW FOR 2023.💥 $30/year individual. $50 for a couple. Please send them to me at
Dottie Rogers, 201 South Broadway, Cape May, NJ 08204
Your support is so important. It allows us to have wonderful speakers, field trips, shoots and programs.
LUCY THE ELEPHANT is open again. I’m going to try to get us a Photo Shoot inside and out. They so wanting
photo groups to appreciate her.
Next meeting is January 18, ZOOM 7:00pm
Our Speaker this month is Jamie Konarski Davidson
Topic ”Getting Creative with Lensbabies”
This has been requested for a while and even if you don’t have one, you will love seeing all these lenses can do, and we’ll practice later together.
Some are easier than others to use. The effects they produce is lovely, unique.
Title: Getting Creative With Lensbabies
If you want to create images that have a unique and almost magical look, Lensbaby is where you want to engage.Whether you photograph nature, people or places, Lensbaby lenses and optics can help get you out of your creative comfort zone and out of the “technically correct” box to give your images a different look and feel right out of the camera. In this session, Jamie will share how she uses these creative tools to express her vision in ways that standard lenses simply do not. While her passion in subjects include flowers, nature, landscapes, still life and smaller stories, you’ll learn how these same unique tools can be used in other genres. Learn how Lensbaby can push boundaries of interpretation and expression in your own work in a fun and challenging way. If you've never used a Lensbaby, and see the world in less-than-traditional ways, you might be tempted to add one of the "babies" to your bag.
Bio: Jamie Konarski Davidson is an award-winning freelance outdoor & nature photographer with a passion for capturing and sharing the intimate moments and beauty of the natural world on its own and as it blends with the "rest of the world." Her images range from macro and abstracts to intimate, grand and rural landscapes. She connects with all things "old" and finds a special beauty in decay and fading cultural lifestyles that resonate a life of hard work. Jamie is enamored with flowers of all kinds. In fact, if someone told her she could only photograph one subject for the rest of her life, it would be flowers. Her interpretive style reflects that "love" of the blooms along with an intentional approach. Through her company, New Life Photos, Jamie leads photo workshops, teaches and presents at conferences and other events. Her goals as an instructor are to encourage and inspire people to grow in their photography skills and discover their own visual voice.
Jamie doesn’t mention that she is a Lensbaby Ambassador!!